In The Community

AED has a corporate commitment to Community Involvement.  Our phrase “Delivering Inspired Solutions” not only applies to client solutions, but community involvement as well. Our support of the Parramore community is consistent with AED’s corporate philosophy of community involvement.

Simultaneously to Founding AED, Reginald Waters also co-founded the Advanced Engineering Design Inc. (AED) Foundation which administered “WE BOYS” mentorship program, at Scott Montgomery Elementary School in the Shaw Neighborhood of Washington DC.  The We Boy’s Mentorship fostered the 6th grade boys by discussing how to address life events, goal setting, career aspirations and identifying positive role models. The program often had career professionals as guest’s speakers including doctors, lawyers, and law enforcement officials.  The program was recognized in 1993 by being nominated for a “Points of Light Award” for volunteerism. We believed that this exposure would assist the children in making life’s decisions.  The program ran from 1991-2000.

Throughout the year, AED supports numerous community organizations through attending and hosting events, providing financial support serving on panels. Since 2008, AED has been a corporate sponsor of Project Give Back,, where over 1,000 families are fed each Thanksgiving since 1995.

AED also had been a Corporate Sponsor of the Alpha Omega Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity annual Mardi Gras; The event donates over $10,000 in Scholarships annually.

AED has maintained a partnership with the Transtech Academy at Francis Cardoza High School in The District of Columbia since 2010. We have participated in monthly mentoring sessions, and well as numerous career days.